Scroll down and start Season One from the beginning.

Season One
Episode Transcripts
Episode 15: Covid Christmas Farewell
Episode 14: The Final Countdown
Episode 13: Winding Down
Episode 12: The Unstoppable Force
Episode 11: Thanksgiving—the Awkward Holiday
Episode 10: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Episode 9: Be Not Afraid
Episode 8: Sweet Land of Liberty
Episode 7: The Origin of Choice
Episode 6: The ‘Hail Mary’ Pass
Episode 5: As Shaky As a Fiddler On the Roof
Episode 4: “Offer It Up, Née Née”
Episode 3: Lines In the Sand
Episode 2: The Elephant In the Room
Episode 1: My Dad Could Have Been a Horrible Dad
Get in touch if you have episode ideas, a question about anything we discuss, or you just to say hi. Thanks for being part of our adventure!
Email us here.
© 2021-2022 Jenée Arthur | Daughter-Father Dance Podcast, all rights reserved