Start your day with me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 5 to 15 minutes.


Thoughts are fleeting—thank goodness. But what about those profound thoughts that transiently float in and out of our minds throughout the day? This show is about some of mine, presented to you full of imagination and extrapolation, and sometimes expressed in anapestic tetrameter or a random song verse.

Join me for a fun, provocative & entertaining look at ‘thought.’ Episodes are below and on your favorite podcast players.

11. Routine Reimagined
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

11. Routine Reimagined

We live in the construct of time. Is nodding to the constraints of time a good or bad thing for creativity and productivity? The answer isn't as black and white as we like to make it.

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10. Life’s Musical Score
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

10. Life’s Musical Score

We experience life from the consciousness of thought and perception. Join me today for a fun realization about a few quirky perceptions that infuse my life with joy.

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9. Freedom of Mind
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

9. Freedom of Mind

Would you rather have 'freedom of mind' or the ability to control your state of mind? What if I told you they are one and the same? Holding thought loosely frees us mentally and emotionally.

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8. No News Is Good News
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

8. No News Is Good News

As you've gleaned by now, I have strong opinions. Today, I discuss one of them while imploring you to try something that may make the rest of your 2022 fabulous! Just trust me.

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7. River of Thought
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

7. River of Thought

I liken life to a river in most instances, and today is no exception. Join me as I wax poetic about a thing that consistently floods our minds—thought, and what I do to help loosen its grip.

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6. My Birthday Reflection
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

6. My Birthday Reflection

I love my birthday, and I carry all the people who've made up my big, beautiful life into every birthday with me. Join me today as I reflect on, well—you.

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5. Haunting Echoes
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

5. Haunting Echoes

Some things aren't bound by time, space, or physical constraints. Today, I bear witness to one of those things. Join me for our first week's final episode about a moment that changed me forever.

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4. Making Sense of It All
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

4. Making Sense of It All

Story and the telling of stories have been the way we've made sense of our existence since the beginning of time. Join me today as I entertain our present-day reality by seeing it for what it is.

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3. This Tiny Word Matters
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

3. This Tiny Word Matters

Today, I am ranting about one of my biggest pet peeves. If this topic is cringe-worthy to you, keep listening. You might come away with a new perspective and appreciation of such a tiny word.

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2. Thought Reimagined
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

2. Thought Reimagined

What if we had a different relationship with thought—a relationship of perspective that allows us to decide if thought will cause suffering or joy? We do.

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1. We Are the World
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

1. We Are the World

In this episode, I share my humanitarian state of mind from an early age by reciting a short story I wrote when I was eight years old. Thank goodness this wasn't the defining moment of my storytelling career.

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0. Bonus Episode
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

0. Bonus Episode

This bonus episode offers the reason why I created this show. Join me for a brief look at what you can expect from MIND CHALK, and get excited for the launch on 11/7/22.

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