Interested? Go for it. If not, don’t.
So, my friend, what excites you?
What turns you on?
What lights you up?
What’s that ‘something’ you could stay up all night doing?
What could you do every day and not grow weary of doing it?
Okay, I’ll go first.
I love writing, talking, and connecting about humanity's humorous, horrible, happy, hopeful, and haute characteristics. I get excited about inviting strangers to peer inside my stories, primarily because of how much I love the subjects I write about. Admittedly, some of my favorite stories are about the beautiful people in my family. God knows between all of them and my girlfriend, Deborah, I have a pretty steady stream of content.
If I were to dissect why I could spend every waking moment creating stories of humor and human nature and not grow weary, if I’m honest, it’s because I often know the subject I’m writing about well enough to write it confidently while being far enough away from it that I also learn more about myself by connecting dots I may not have otherwise recognized until I crafted a narrative around them.
You see, I learn and grow from writing stories or from saying aloud the things I would otherwise churn inside my head if I didn’t pen or peck them out into the world.
Writing is a mindful process that allows me to express all the cheeky and incredulous ways I perceive life. I could fill volumes of pages with the crazy things that happen to me daily.
What’s the point of this? Find the thing you love doing so much that you lose yourself (or the entire day) in it.
If you’re interested in it, go for it. If not, don’t.
As Joseph Campbell reminds us, “Follow your bliss.”
What’s your bliss?
Getting clear about this simple consideration will help you live and tell better life stories.
Your life depends on it.