Division is Purely ‘Thought’

If we deconstruct society’s divisive narratives, we can see that they all stem from taking our thoughts too seriously.

Remember, thoughts are fluid and don’t have meaning until we give them meaning. There is no problem if we allow thought to do its thing and traverse into, through, and out of our minds.

In the case of 'division,’ the feelings we associate with thought are often harmful and disruptive to our peaceful states of mind. When we give our thoughts meaning and weight and back those thoughts with negative feelings, we allow them to control us. We allow our thoughts to have power over us.

Not understanding thought and its nature has caused wars, upended relationships, and caused people to suffer mental anguish (among other things) for millennia.

I explore this concept each Friday on my podcast, MIND CHALK, as I talk with others who either differ in their perspective on a topic or align with mine but offer their unique spin to the narrative. It’s a way to explore my hypothesis that if more people talk one-on-one or in small groups, the way my dad and I speak despite our differences, we could move the needle on division in this world and become more neutral or united. It starts, like everything, in our closest circles, ripples out into our communities, then to the masses and the world at large.

The good news is we hold the key and the power to making ourselves and the world different and better. And I believe it begins with understanding the nature of ‘thought.’

Join me weekly as I dive deeper into how not understanding the nature of thought breeds division.

Until then, the results of the Division Is Optional Questionnaire were enlightening. A few participants' answers cited similar reasons, which helped me delve deeper into this critical topic for the forthcoming interviews on MIND CHALK.

Below is a brief recap of some of the responses.

1. What are the biggest reasons people create division between themselves and others?

Responses varied from loss, conditioning, unconscious biases that appear real, tribalism (this one came up a lot), and unbending beliefs.

2. What do you think is the main reason people are divided in their beliefs?

Answers: We’ve forgotten we are in this together. Fear. Tribalism. Parental and other authority influences and prejudices are handed down and accepted without question. Stubbornness even in the face of evidence that you are wrong.

3. Why do you think we have made our opinions so important in the public narratives?

Answers: To control others. Mistaking what we believe for who we are. Social media makes it easier to have opinions without consequence. We think our way is the only way, forgetting we are all unique and there is no one-size-fits-all. People are hella bored with their lives and have to find shit to be all the rage about (this one made me LOL 😄).

See you next week! Continue living and telling your best life story.


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