Start your day with me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 5 to 15 minutes.
Thoughts are fleeting—thank goodness. But what about those profound thoughts that transiently float in and out of our minds throughout the day? This show is about some of mine, presented to you full of imagination and extrapolation, and sometimes expressed in anapestic tetrameter or a random song verse.
Join me for a fun, provocative & entertaining look at ‘thought.’ Episodes are below and on your favorite podcast players.

52. Hidden Wholeness
Today, I scratch the surface of bringing forth the 'shadow' side of ourselves, speaking of it relative to integrity.

51. You’re a Volkswagen
Join me today as I share a story that helped me recognize how personal judgemental perspectives can be. Happy Friday the 13th!

50. Just Do It
Today, I'm diving in to encourage you to take that first step toward something you've been wanting to bring to life for a while now. I also make a fun (indirect) announcement!

49. New Direction
I love analogies. Join me today as I use three of them to emphasize the importance of taking new (and uniquely yours) directions.

48. Echolalia
In today's brief pod, I confess to a conversational "condition" I have had most of my life. It's a fleeting thought that's much lighter than yesterday's admission.

47. Authentic Coat
Today, I share a part of my past that taught me an invaluable lesson. It has to do with a time a few years ago when I allowed myself to be out of integrity to survive my days.

46. Impact of Thought
Consider today's episode a refresher on the premise of 'thought' as I see it; as well as a fun nod to a good ol' fashioned Texas hoedown that solidified my girlfriend's understanding of my tenacious nature.

45. Carol King
Wow. I don't even know where to begin describing this episode. Simply put, never in my life would I have thought I would feel the way I feel about Carol King today. My hope is that something in you, too, will shift after hanging out with me today.

44. Middle of the Road
If you know me, I pretty much stay in the middle of the road on most issues. I remain there because it gives me the best vantage point. Hang with me for a bit today as I express why that position is a good idea for all of us right now.

43. At a Glance
Today, I simplify seeing something and being reactionary to it. We all do it, but there are ways we can be more conscious and take our initial reactions to things less seriously. One way is to slow down and trust that we are safe and okay in most moments.

42. Joy, Hope, Peace, & Love
Today, I tried something new: recording on the go. On my morning walk, to be exact.

40. Fortitude
Today, I share a personal story about persistence, endurance, and will.

39. You’re Right
Today, join me in my assertion that you, my friend, are always right. Always.

38. If a Tree Falls In the Forest…
Today, I discuss my less-than-graceful response to the recent ice storm that shut down my power for 122 hours.

37. I Got You
Today, I nod to a beautiful character of my past to exemplify the power and the impact of being tapped into that which backs our individual (and collective) magnificence.

36. Inside Out
We'd all have to admit on some level that we look to others more often than we look to ourselves for advice or wisdom. So today, I share how we can do that differently and likely live more fulfilling lives.

35. The Enemy
Today, as we celebrate and remember a man who believed in dispelling darkness with light, I discuss humankind’s age-old commitment to 'going to battle' with things instead of focusing on the light.

34. Fleet Feast Friday #2
It's Friday, and I'm back with a few off-the-cuff fleeting anecdotes about my hilarious life, one of which is the story I mentioned about cooking for my friend when she injured her back.

33. Resilience
Last week, I alluded to some good news about my mom. Today, I bring you this good news with a reminder that we all have what we need to fuel and fill us when we reach for and trust it—all of us.

32. Analog Evenings
Today, I share about a slumber-interrupting coyote attack and discuss my reason for engaging in a life-expanding commitment to what I call 'analog evenings.'