Start your day with me every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 5 to 15 minutes.


Thoughts are fleeting—thank goodness. But what about those profound thoughts that transiently float in and out of our minds throughout the day? This show is about some of mine, presented to you full of imagination and extrapolation, and sometimes expressed in anapestic tetrameter or a random song verse.

Join me for a fun, provocative & entertaining look at ‘thought.’ Episodes are below and on your favorite podcast players.

34. Fleet Feast Friday #2
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

34. Fleet Feast Friday #2

It's Friday, and I'm back with a few off-the-cuff fleeting anecdotes about my hilarious life, one of which is the story I mentioned about cooking for my friend when she injured her back.

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23. Frequency. Vibration.
Jenée Arthur Jenée Arthur

23. Frequency. Vibration.

What if our life fulfillment depended on tapping into the energy that backs us all by simply raising our frequency to match that from which we were created?

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